Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Karthikeyan Bhargavan, Cryptographic protocols: formal and computational proofs, 18h equivalent TD, master M2 MPRI, université Paris VII, France

  • Karthikeyan Bhargavan, TDs in INF431 and INF321, introductory programming language courses at Ecole Polytechnique, France

  • Bruno Blanchet, Cryptographic protocols: formal and computational proofs, 18h equivalent TD, master M2 MPRI, université Paris VII, France

  • Bruno Blanchet, Automatic Verification of Cryptographic Protocols in the Symbolic Model, the Automatic Verifier ProVerif, 6h equivalent TD, 13th International School on Foundations of Security Analysis and Design (FOSAD'13), Bertinoro, Italy

  • Miriam Paiola, Internet et Outils - IO2, TP, 52h equivalent TD, L1 en Math-Info, Université Paris VII, France

  • Miriam Paiola, Automates finis - AF4, TP, 26h equivalent TD, L2 en Informatique, Université Paris VII, France

  • Graham Steel, Formal Methods for the Science of Security Summer School, UIUC, July 2013, "Security APIs" (4 hours teaching)

  • Graham Steel, SecAppDev Days Training, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, March 2013, "Security APIs" (3 hours teaching)

  • Graham Steel, University of Venice Ca' Foscari, PhD course "Security APIs" October/November 2013, (20 hours teaching)

  • Evmorfia-Iro Bartzia, Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography (cours + TD), MACS3: Mathématiques appliquées et calcul scientifique 3eme année, Université Paris 13

  • Evmorfia-Iro Bartzia, Elliptic Curves and Complex Torus (TD), MFPI: Mathématiques Fondamentales et Protection de l’Information, Université Paris 8


  • David Cadé

    Proved Implementations of Cryptographic Protocols in the Computational Model,

    defended on December 16, 2013, supervised by Bruno Blanchet

  • Miriam Paiola

    Automatic Verification of Group Protocols,

    since November 2010, supervised by Bruno Blanchet

  • Robert Künnemann, Secure APIs and Simulation-Based Security, Started Oct. 2010, supervised by Steve Kremer (CASSIS) and Graham Steel, submitted October 2013 will defend January 2014

  • Gavin Keighren, A Type System for Security APIs, since 2007 (submitted August 2013), advisors Graham Steel and David Aspinall (University of Edinburgh). Will defend January 2014.

  • Antoine Delignat-Lavaud, since 2012, supervised by Karthikeyan Bhargavan

  • Evmorfia-Iro Bartzia, since 2011, supervised by Karthikeyan Bhargavan and Pierre-Yves Strub


  • Benjamin Beurdouche did an undergraduate internship under the supervision of Alfredo Pironti and Karthikeyan Bhargavan

  • Adam McCarthy did a masters internship under the supervision of Benjamin Smyth


  • Jannik Dreier – Ph.D. – Nov. 25, 2013 – Université de Grenoble

    Bruno Blanchet

  • Maria Christofy – Ph.D. –Feb. 15, 2013– UVSQ

    Graham Steel (rapporteur)

  • François Dupressoir – Ph.D.–Feb. 6, 2013– Open University

    Graham Steel (rapporteur)